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1 Buck  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 12:24:54pm

They look great.

I would buy those earrings.

2 What, me worry?  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 12:26:28pm

re: #1 Buck

They look great.

I would buy those earrings.

For real? I had a woman tell me to make some for her to put in her shop. I've been apprehensive, but maybe I should take a go at it.

3 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 12:40:20pm

I agree, you should totally get an Etsy shop, and make up a batch for the lady who asked. They're very pretty.

I also want to learn to quilt...a friend has offered to teach me, but has been sort of distracted by her health and other things that are going on.

4 What, me worry?  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 1:00:12pm

Thanks Buck and SF! What a great vote of confidence.

I don't think I have the patience for quilting. I tried my hand at crocheting, knitting and cross-stitching. I managed a few projects, but I need instant gratification, i.e. quilting takes too long. Tis sad, but the truth!

Speaking of Etsy, there are a ton of millefiori artists from Israel. Claywork, well crafting in general, is huge in Israel. I'm constantly inspired by the work that goes on there.

5 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 2:35:29pm

Very nice.

6 sffilk  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 7:18:59pm

Those quilts look so cool!!!

7 prairiefire  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 8:08:34pm

re: #4 marjoriemoon

The earrings are very pretty! I agree about sewing. I don't have the patience.

8 Bipartite Gnomenclature  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 8:22:00pm

re: #2 marjoriemoon

For real? I had a woman tell me to make some for her to put in her shop. I've been apprehensive, but maybe I should take a go at it.

Go for it MM.

My wife has made bead earrings and necklaces for years, but no matter how much I try to convince her to go commercial she balks at the idea.

9 Buck  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 8:26:34pm

re: #3 SanFranciscoZionist

I agree, you should totally get an Etsy shop, and make up a batch for the lady who asked. They're very pretty.

I also want to learn to quilt...a friend has offered to teach me, but has been sort of distracted by her health and other things that are going on.

My cousin has a Etsy Shop, and has made 100 sales.

10 theheat  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 8:46:41pm

Your clay art is really pretty. There's no reason you couldn't translate those into some simplified quilt designs until you feel confident doing something more intricate.

It doesn't even take one of those $4k sewing machines. Plus, cutting out the pieces can be a relaxing thing to do while watching television or anytime you need some "me" time. You can work away at them a little at a time, and that's one of the big pluses to quilt building. It isn't like making a shirt!

11 rishonah  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 9:38:48pm

It is just as well that you don't start quilting. It is completely addictive and once it gets its hooks in you, well, that is the beginning of the end of life as you knew it.

I love doing all sorts of handwork, and I do still sometimes hand quilt, but these days I mostly piece and do a lot of quilting on the sewing machine. It can actually be a very quick process.

I love the Magen David earrings, I would wear them.

12 CuriousLurker  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 10:21:02pm

Very nice!

I've gotta hand it to you for the millefiori stuff. I tried my hand at working with polymer clay recently and even doing simple stuff isn't nearly as easy as it looks. You'd never catch me trying millefiori.

Oooh! That reminds me—I think you'll really appreciate this Jon Anderson's work. He's an artist who creates the most amazing animals you've ever seen as well as some fantabulous guitar "decorations" (not sure what you call them, but be sure to check the "polymer clay" section and watch the video).

13 researchok  Fri, Jul 1, 2011 4:48:01am

Where's the falaffel sandwich?

14 What, me worry?  Fri, Jul 1, 2011 6:29:29am

Wow! Thanks everyone for your wonderful responses! I'm very pleasantly surprised.

I so loved the quilting in the video particularly that they added jewelry bits and yarn for hair. The 3D aspect just makes it POP.

The closest I got to quilting was one square! My cousin requested fabric from each person attending her wedding. If you had no talent at all, a square piece of pretty fabric was fine. I did a cross-stitch embroidery of a dove carrying golden rings with their names and the wedding date. She stitched it all together for her chupa (wedding canopy). It was really beautiful.

15 What, me worry?  Fri, Jul 1, 2011 6:36:26am

re: #12 CuriousLurker

Very nice!

I've gotta hand it to you for the millefiori stuff. I tried my hand at working with polymer clay recently and even doing simple stuff isn't nearly as easy as it looks. You'd never catch me trying millefiori.

Oooh! That reminds me—I think you'll really appreciate this Jon Anderson's work. He's an artist who creates the most amazing animals you've ever seen as well as some fantabulous guitar "decorations" (not sure what you call them, but be sure to check the "polymer clay" section and watch the video).

Great links! Thank you. I've covered some glass objects, quite a few of my husband's shot glasses which have now become paper clip holders! LOL But I think a trip to the dollar store for some glass objects is a great idea, too.

Covering pens is a popular thing.
Image: --120000--90968_product_282591324_thumb_large.jpg

And THIS is awesome. This woman added a clock mechanism to an old CD that she covered with clay flowers. You can see the depth of talent that goes into this stuff.
Image: 2589423774_e6d5b7d77d.jpg

16 What, me worry?  Fri, Jul 1, 2011 6:36:50am

Buck, love your cousin's artwork. Her paintings are beautiful.

17 Buck  Fri, Jul 1, 2011 3:04:37pm

re: #16 marjoriemoon

Buck, love your cousin's artwork. Her paintings are beautiful.

Thanks. Naomi is really talented. I posted the link to encourage you.

If you decide to sell the earrings... let me know.

18 CuriousLurker  Sat, Jul 2, 2011 5:39:42am

re: #15 marjoriemoon

Great links! Thank you. I've covered some glass objects, quite a few of my husband's shot glasses which have now become paper clip holders! LOL But I think a trip to the dollar store for some glass objects is a great idea, too.

Covering pens is a popular thing.
Image: --120000--90968_product_282591324_thumb_large.jpg

And THIS is awesome. This woman added a clock mechanism to an old CD that she covered with clay flowers. You can see the depth of talent that goes into this stuff.
Image: 2589423774_e6d5b7d77d.jpg

Love the pen & clock!

Speaking of covering glass, I have a designer friend who lives in Israel (we've met in RL) who did some gorgeous millefiori work a couple of years ago. She covered plates and bowls with a wonderful pomegranate motif—the colors were positively scrumptious and people were begging her to make more.

I don't know how many she finally ended up making, but she's one of those indefatigable women, y'know? Husband, half a dozen kids, helps hubby with his business and does her own freelancing..she's always on the go.

Anyway, I bought a couple of other types of air-drying clay. I hope to try them out this weekend, so we'll see how they work out.

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